Liquid Animation transformed Singapore in to a vibrant 3D world in its latest project for Telco M1 called “A Happy Life”. The commercial, directed by Liquid’s Animation’s Mike Viner and Sorin Oancea for Y&R Singapore, was focused on developing a playful and quirky design style based on dynamic, twisted and bold shapes and draped with […]
Archive for the ‘News’ Category
In this tongue in cheek TV commercial for Australia, secret agents run through the woods in a scene reminiscent of the X-Files towards a mysterious figure in the woods…. First contact? Or some other kind of contact entirely…. When our sister company Liquid Interactive won the Isuzu account last year and began planning for the […]
In January the Courier Mail ran this article on Liquid. From small beginnings 12 years ago, the company has come so far in such a short space of time. With regular work for many of Hollywood’s major children’s entertainment companies and a solid client base in Australia and the Asian region, Liquid Animation also boasts […]
October was Awards Month in Brisbane and Liquid Animation is delighted to announce that we were honored in both the Premier of Queensland Export Awards and the Lord Mayor’s Awards for Business Excellence. The follow excerpt is from a Media Release by Brisbane Marketing: “Lord Mayor announces Business Award Winners The winners of the 2011 […]
Liquid Animation recently released a press release ahead of the launch of their original character, Ziggy the Zebrasaurus, on Sesame Street. The article featured on industry sites and major newspaper pages around the country. BRISBANE CREATIVE COMPANY CRACKS SESAME STREET Sunny days are sweeping the clouds away for creative studio Liquid Animation as they deliver […]